I’ve had a past
Just like all mortals
In a checked pink and white gown
Behind a large green gate
In blue walled rooms
She sat beside me
She was a pal
A classmate a competitor
Along the corridors we held hands
At times waists
She was my friend I knew
We did our classwork together
In a checked pink and white gown
Behind a large green gate
In blue walled rooms
We had weird encounters
Quick precise glances
And I felt my heart beat for her
She was a pal
Along the corridors we held hands
At times waists
She was my friend I knew
One day or rather day one
Together to the washrooms we left
She stared at me
I stared back
We had weird encounters
Quick precise glances
And I felt my heart beat for her
We kissed
It was magical
I loved Lydia
She loved me back
One day or rather day one
Together to the washrooms we left
She stared at me
I stared back
In a checked pink and white gown
Behind a large green gate
In blue walled rooms
I met my other half
She was like me, a she
We kissed
It was magical
That’s my past
Just like all mortals have theirs
And it’s my present
Simply like all mortals have theirs
Will you point fingers at me
I never chose this route
It was the only option
_Daughter of the village chief_