Sexual orientation of a person determines how the society at large associates with one. In the times we are living in, things have completely changed despite having so many norms, attributes and values that are connected with how we should live and who we should relate with.
Not everyone is comfortable associating with any kind of sexual orientation but some of us are reserved or rather they are still stuck in the ages of ‘Mwacha Mila ni Mtumwa’ .
Well, just like we have different opinions and views on different agendas, so is there different sexual orientations. We have the so called LGBT which in longer terms stands for Lesbianism, Gayism, Bisexuals and Transgenders. This can in another way translate to heterosexuality, homosexuality or asexuals.
In many cases, we will be told that it’s a big sin or rather an abomination for two people of the same sex to fall in love. Well, what can we really do if there are many such people living in our world today? It’s not about the influence of the western culture but it’s all about where each one of us is really comfortable and happy revolving.
Someone asked me a question that got me thinking. “Why is it wrong to love a person of a same gender but right to have a heterosexual couple play outside their wedlocks?” Which one is more likely to put a person’s well being at risk? Why does the society justify the wrong without critically analysing the situation?
Why are the LGBT persons that are coming out to expose their identity so condemned while there are so many others that are hiding behind their skins?
Well, I’ve always preferred honesty over cowardliness and hypocrisy. I know some of you will agree with me. Despite the fact that we have our own values and virtues, let’s not be so quick to judge or hate. We never know why a person is the way he or she is if we are never told. Afterall, till you cut yourself, you don’t understand what a cut is.
We all have our rights. Straight or not, let’s learn to respect each other’s sexual orientation. Change is inevitable. And when it happens, it at times happen for the better. Don’t hate for no reason, we all deserve respect and freedom of expression.
Let’s embrace open mindedness on such sensitive issues. Whatever your stand might be, let that remain deep within you if at all it’s going to hurt the person next to you who is in the LGBT group. Afterall, they are also humans. With a heart just like yours and mine and can get vulnerable as well.
Whatever your take might be. Let’s protect our own. Remember, kindness originates from home.
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Osprey Empire.