Give me a paper
I want to draw a woman
She who made my husband violent
Making me suffer blows and kicks
Each night I asked for my right
The one who caused my arm to be broken
Because I cooked kales
Yet he wanted sukuma wiki
Give me a paper
I want to draw a woman
She who broke my marriage
Made my man neglect his responsibilities
Caused my son to drop out of school
Only to be a robber
Not until I saw him recently
No! It was actually his corpse
Because his forty days were over
Give me a paper
I want to draw a woman
The one who stole my husband
In broad daylight as everyone saw
Leaving me with sleepless nights
And the desire for a man
As the cold of the night grew
With each passing day
Give me a paper
I want to draw a woman
Who caused me pain and suffering
Made me suffer stroke
And even at some point
Made me blame God
Because I lost hope
Give me a paper
I want to draw her…
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