Thinnest of lines

Tell me
What’s that line between Love and Hate
How thin is that line really
How do you separate the two in life
How do you walk away from any of them
How do you see the line before crossing

What if was able to see the line
Would you still cross it
Love is sweet, fun, laughter, joy and happiness
Hate is revenge, judgemental, range and pain
How do these two words be so close
How comes there is no visible wall between sweet and sour
Who can’t we see this line of separation

Tell me
Does one choose to cross or they just slide mistakenly
How does a loving heart start hating for no reason
How does love hurt so much
And hatred rule over the love that was there
Why is hate always bigger than love
Why do this line so thin exist

Love is kind, hate is rough
Love is loyal, hate betrays
Love sees future, hate kills the present
Love makes memories, hate create sorrow

So tell me
How do these two have a line so thin
How does a mistake slide us to the other side
And the road is always one way
How do you walk from good to bad and never back
What’s the secret that the universe never saw in this
Just tell me


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