But today it’s too early
The buds are immature
Roses aren’t ready to bloom
Why not wait for the sun tomorrow?
Some dreams have to be blurred
For some to be clearly seen
The dew has to kiled
For us to tread through
Let’s simply wait for tomorrow
Today ain’t good enough
I just ain’t ready
Ready for the aftermath
I need more time
Time to set my world right
Tomorrow is all I need
A need that I hope will come to pass
Let’s simply wait for the morrow
If it comes, fine
If it doesn’t, it’s still fine
Remember, our hands are tied
Tied with invisible strings of weakness
Weakness that the law of nature will always over rule
But I’ll wait for tomorrow
When the sun will rise and the dew die
To simply tell you of the tales untold
*Tears never tear*
_Daughter of the village chief_
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