You’re nowhere to be seen
You have changed to unclean
Last I checked
You had not changed
Your clothes for a month
Is this the drugs wrath?
I can bear your hug
You stink from the drug
You rare spend time together
You spend all you gather
Not in developing
But drugs
Am worried
Coz’ you’ve turned weird
We planned for a date
You turned up late
Giving all excuses
But I knew it was drugs
Either their hangover
Or you’ve made them your lover
Staying side by side with you
Creating a gap between me and you
Am stranded
To move or hold
Coz’ I’ve tried to plead
Just to get a dull stare
Again I won’t care
Again I won’t try
You never be in my memory
I know it is hard and hurts
But you have wounded my heart
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