Mothers should take good care of their young boys to avoid the mental issues associated with rape.

Protect the children. They are our future.

Osprey: hey people, I hope you are good. So this week, like I had said earlier on, we’ll be talking about rape. Specifically the rape of the male species. The question today is, what can we do to prevent such. This is because these cases are sometimes ignored since most people are of the assumption that only ladies can be raped. Yes men also get raped. They may be tough, but at the end of the day, they are humans too, with fears and allergies.

Wolandee: It’s true that men are assumed to be strong enough not to be raped by women. It has been a common situation that most indict are men not women. To curb this, we should stop the assumptions. Second to that, most men are careless driven by the assumption that women are harmless though the most dangerous species. Bound limits in reaching untrusted women/ladies. But, rape can also occur between couples.

Osprey: Harmless is a chance nobody should take on anyone, never.
Justin: If it’s mental rape… then Men are raped daily.
Star: Are we talking about women raping men or men being raped by other men?

Osprey: I’m talking about males being raped. They can be raped by women or even the men. The male Children also get raped, and they grow up to be difficult or messed up. Such situations should be done away with.

Justin: The same women who enlightened on how to handle rape situations, they have demonized the skills to rape men both mentally, physically and social
Wolandee: Female rape male.

Osprey: No. General rape of men or boys or even older men. That’s how twisted the society is.
Star: Okay… I think it’s rare though. But yeah sure, it needs to be addressed
Star: Elaborate social rape.
Justin: Females do rape men. This is happening in rich homes a house girl raping a cool kid boy. Rich men wives (kind of portifas wife) do rape their house boys. In fact its socio economic rape…a boy is economically exploited and later socially dominated and segregated…this is the highest form of rape ?

Wolandee: The word rape is forming to manifold. Social, Political, Economical,..So many to mention.
Brian: common theme emerging in treating male rape victims is a lost sense of manliness. Male victims voice their concern in reconciling their masculine identity with their experience of being raped….anyway most remain silent victims afraid of being judged…..just as you’ve seen people making fun of it and questioning if its really true. Like any other sexual abuse…this too affects the mental health of a man.

Osprey: But that’s what we need to work on. Because at the end of the day you are still a human with a brain that can be affected by the traumas you go through. It’s not fair on anyone
Star: I personally had a friend who was molested at a young age by a group of l girls who were in highschool at the Time and the boy was in class six…The guy could not confide this to anyone really because he was shy and he wasn’t really sure how to address the issue.. you know, because it was new to him and something that had never been mentioned openly. And by that I mean, it’s rare that you see male rape is not as addressed as female rape. The little boy was also ashamed to tell his elder brother because he was afraid of how his brother would perceive him. He also could not tell his parents coz of,.. you know, obvious reasons.

Osprey: This is what I’m talking about. We need to address these issues. Baby steps
Star: So one day when the Issue became really serious.he decided to tell his older the brother told him to “man up” and not tell anyone.not even the parents. So the boy “manned up” … The irony of the situation. The boy had to swallow it up and unfortunately became a man way too soon. What’s sadder is the fact that the three girls kept taking turns on him and he couldn’t scream coz you know,he was a “man”…. The girls were even making fun of the situation and they saw the whole situation as a joke and fun time since the boy was “cute”

Osprey: That’s the thing. The society idolizes the male ego more than the mental health of the male species.
Tee: Most times, we tend to ignore the fact that men too can be raped, they pay attention to the female folks on this aspect which is bad
Star: Sickly enough,.they even thought he enjoyed it. Anyway, The point is: In the society we live are not allowed to open up about their feelings and are taught how to surpress their feelings at an early age. which is quite every dimension. This is what Made the small shy boy not tell anyone else about the incident. What’s worse is the fact that.we empower the girl child too much and make them feel like goddess therefore the girl child does not see their mistakes on the boy child.

Osprey: Thank you for speaking my mind.
Simon: ?well said.
Star: That is why even in the society today,a girl will do “stupid” things to the guy and justify it by being a girl. A girl expects a guy to act right by her but they can’t act right by the guy. They want to be “felt” by the boy but not otherwise. When a girl/woman wants something they take it by whatever means because after all society will always side with the females. And the male gender will always be the villain in every story. So we want men to “man up” when in real sense these guys are being oppressed and what’s more absurd is the fact that “it’s okay” with us. And we’ll exclaim it as “poor boy child” laugh it off then move on with life as if everything is okay in the world not knowing a “boy child” somewhere is seriously suffering…. why? Why is it okay? Why are we so “naive” and oblivious to the male’s feelings? Because maybe so many times as females that we’ve had sex with a man (in a relationship or not) and we haven’t asked for their permission/opinion on it, maybe we have raped them too. Maybe one way or another you raped The guy mentally, emotionally, spiritually and even physically.
Onserio: A lot of sense in this?. Couldn’t agree more. A rational reasoning.

Justin: a poem on rape.
In the moral dictionary.
Religious dictionary,
To a girl child,
To a boy child,
Before heaven’s,
On this Earth,
On other planets,
It’s meaning has never changed,
It’s Evil.
In forums,
On newspapers,
Electronic media,
Social media,
Rape is condemned.
And you know what,
It’s it’s demonized,
Just to one gender,
The endangered one,
The male species,
Between men,
Men to women.
But not vice versa,
It should not be assumed,
Maybe not,
But I may be right,
Women too,
With their little physical strength,
Their sexual libido,
Under unsatisfied circumstances,
They do rape,
To satisfy the nature,
In Our homes,
In School,
At recreation centers,
In offices,
They do.
Rape is leprosy,
The bell is ringing.
She’s coming,
They are coming,
Oh boy child,
Not because you feared,
It’s because you will be charmed,
For the sexual tables have turned,
Social resentment rampant,
And you will be used,
You will be a tool for sexual satisfaction.
Rape is now like Cancer,
It’s killing silently,
With Less attention,
Low coverage, because it’s believed,
Only girl child can be raped,
But the boy child,
Under deep siege,
Siege of rape,
From hungry women for Men.

Star: Look at this way.we all assume that a man will always want to have sex.but what if that’s not true? What if it’s just an assumption we all have simply coz one or two guys did it? How many times as a woman/female have you considered the man’s feelings/opinion before laying with him? Is he okay? Does he love it when you touch him or is he disgusted? Is he in the mood to do it or nah? We want men to consider our feelings when we go to bed but do we do the same? After all,rape is having sex with someone who’s not willing (whether they say it or not) to do it with you. Think about it. Maybe you’ve raped a man before and you don’t know it. Simply coz you were “too much of a female” to noticed. Or You’ve been raped as a man simply coz you were “too much of a man” to admit or decline
Osprey: It all comes down to ego and mental health.

Let us mobilise people and let them know that the boys/men/oldmen also get raped. They should be careful.

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