I’d say bless the universe, but fuck it,
For bringing her here, next to me,
For making her so close yet so far,
For making me forget my presentation,
That should’ve saved this stupid lot,
For playing games that mess me up,
For making me see her up close,
And for making me this hot, fuck it.

I should move, the hallway is crowded,
I’m causing traffic, but they can wait,
A little longer, till I get more of her,
More of a front I can’t just see yet,
More of the round ass facing me,
The short jet-black hair that greets me,
More like, the one I unexpectedly run into,
But the one I’m glad I did. Animal instincts.

There’s a beautiful scent to this perfect body,
I can’t smell no perfume, tis her natural scent,
Her skin looks rich and so soft it calls to me,
But maybe I should just snap out of it.
An apology hits me, even though I’m at fault.
Honestly, I don’t focus on it, even you wouldn’t.
The sight that greets me got my junior senior,
It’s unintentional. My subconscious thinks otherwise.

Beautiful round eyes, eyebrows so perfect,
A tiny nose that got me envious of air,
Breathe me in love, I mumble to no one,
The beautiful blush on her plump cheeks,
Red lipstick that got me growling with desire,
Full lips that got me licking mine,
And that got me craving a lust filled taste,
Or even a lick if possible, I’ll never mind, for now.

I see lips moving, mine or hers, I don’t know,
My heartbeats are so loud in my head,
All for a scent that drives me nuts,
She’s cute though, bet she’d be a perfect fit,
The attraction I feel. My aroused face.
The burning sensation from the contact.
The goosebumps and squeezes on her thighs,
All in my head, but still looks mouthwatering.

Its hot in here, like the airways are blocked,
Or is it just me stuck in wanderlust,
I see reds moving, I feel people watching,
Eyes trail down to her ‘front’, I approve,
It doesn’t matter though, she’s mine,
Screw any and everyone with a claim,
Hold still. My brain says yes, my body says no,
So much for my internship. Fuck.

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