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People said that I am weak, can’t make decisions on my own. That I am dangerous and that there is something wrong with me. Many people said these things. Their voices, became amplified in my head. The worst part, I believed what they said. I called myself weak, stupid, insane. I was afraid I would hurt people because I am a dangerous person. I told myself that my condition was my fault. I believed that I was immoral, that I had a problem.
What happens when social stigma (negative narratives and stereotypes held by society) is internalized by a person? Self-stigma! That’s what happens. An echo of what society says.
Self-stigma is a monster that eats from the inside. From outside, I can look well put up and complete. But from the inside? Oh wow. I am not empty, I am half eaten and there is a lot of mould growing everywhere. Decomposition and a foul smell are the norm. Self-stigma brews shame and guilt. Makes one belittle themselves and when they look in the mirror, who they see is not good enough. Social stigma is the genesis of self-stigma. We say sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. In this case, words hit harder than a rock, breaking us into pieces. Especially when said over and over again and when said by me!
There are many ideas and beliefs about us that society has. We sometimes internalize the ideas and beliefs and hold them as true ignoring what we truly believe and know and adapting and upholding what other people believe as true. Heck, kuna times we don’t ignore the truth because all we’ve known is these ideas and that has always been our truth!
To fight all my self-stigma, I shall unlearn the ‘truths’, change the narrative, create my own story and quit putting myself down. Easier said than done, right? But why continue killing myself when I can bring forth life, goodness and prosperity?
Society judges me harshly and so do I. I stigmatize myself. Question is, do you stigmatize yourself?