He had it all, never thought one day he’ll crawl.
The monster crept slowly, at a pace that was seemingly low.
Just when he had grabbed the world by his arms, he now felt like calling all of it quits, as a sign of retreat with no sign of wits.
Little by little he could count is breath,could no longer feel his heart beat, the follicles failed to stay still.
The baldness on his head, with all the riches he had, he went down..
Why didnt the monster see how wealthy he was, I mean he could afford holding on even for once.
Too bad, the monster attack strangled his neck and there on the ground he lay helpless, hopeless….all he owned was meaningless if only he could have saved his life………to be continued.
#cancer kills
Its a monster…be aware…it doesn’t spare….
By kerubosiko
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