A freelance
On my last legs
I can no more play false
Because I’m still ill at ease
And brought home is my head
After the four , study abroad
Years of ART in Monash university
Back to my banana republic
As a chip of the old black
My own ice I’ll break in republic
By washing my dirty linen in public
I wasn’t lapped in luxury
Can’t set naught my mother house
At the left, roof thatched grass
With the step mother’s right
From abroad I see them
Yet, can’t tall talk for fame
In memory, the east highlands
Furthest seen from fatherlands
With _Katunja_,I hunted wild birds
Hamerkop and a flock of Weavers
Helmeted Guinea fowl and eagles
I also grazed livestock
Forgetting seems a wild goose chase
Like cutting one’s coat
Miss it all in construe
Within the beauties abroad
My mind a figure of nature home
Structured gate with two tall trees
Each keeping the other a arms length
Non understood the bone of contention
The co wives conformity
With feet of clay , always duty
Father home , my bosom friend
Coming with ART in hand
Breathe of gold back home
The world cut sorry figure no more
Foundation to cast a slur
Duty to transform my mother house
Prepared to face the music
From my step mother’s
No need Judas kiss
I’m keen !
****************************************************** Wolandee: Wish I could be awake
Eyelids are heavy , am weak
It was a distance before
That I really longed for
Coming so close
A splash of old age
So slow you see …
Waridi: Time has gone, yes
But you’re still awake dear
Your eyes can still see
Each with its own hut
Laid strongly before the mountains
Freshly thatched in young roofs…
It calls for appreciation
Wolandee: I understand my love
Just like the wash, glow
And the explosion of fire
When the sun rises
From behind fatherland hills
I cover my face from the glare
Did you see the pace of eagles ?
Waridi: Memories of dreams
Let’s call it
The explosion of hopes
New smiles of the sun rises
No need to cover your face
Don’t miss the opportunity dear
The eagles are on their errands
Wolandee: Though my ears also covered
Your words an aching chord
Are taken in brain , Cyrus bright
Though my eyebrows
Were made with fin materials
Like the brush roofs
But supported by human nose
That support the whole life
All at once
When they asked about home,
I wasn’t sure what to tell them,
On one hand there was my family,
The lot I have treasured for as long as I can remember,
But on the other,
There’s you.
The reason my smiles aren’t forced no more,
My happiness not suffocated,
My breaths rapid yet tuned,
As if making some music only you can make me,
The reason I don’t fall asleep on wet pillows,
And neither do I think any low,
Because you came,
And like a whirlwind,
Gave me a break from my troubles.
So when they asked about home,
I didn’t know what to say,
I didn’t want to have to choose,
Because I couldn’t live without either of you,
So I didn’t,
Coz you always said I’ll never have to choose between you and my family.
Looking at you makes me wanna elope,
To a faraway place,
One where it’ll just be us,
Just me and you,
In the peaceful highlands,
Where there’ll be no more cities,
No electricity,
No internet,
No city-like things,
Just us,
Two people,
Living peacefully.
That’s what I want,
That’s what I see in you,
My happy place,
My home.
Damn’),I clinged my fist
Eyes feary like those of a beast
I smiled for the pic
It was rounds of sixteen
Still a teen, I was lost in the abyss
But what can I say
All that glitters isn’t gold
But she was precious, so together we grew old??