Flowing out😢

Your body is 60% water. Earth surface is 71% water. Drink 4-6 glasses of water daily. Water is life. Water can ruin some stuff too (vegetables, books, paintings…) but we’re not about that. Right now we look at the positives.


Peeing is super important coz plus the water, and other stuff are removed. And you know we can’t live without peeing. Did I mention how sweating is also important? Not only removing toxins but also cooling us. And guess what???? Water is still at play. Saliva has water too and I have not enough space to write of the importance of saliva.

If you haven’t gotten the drift yet, this article is about water and body fluids. I’ll be more specific later. Right now, we stall.

Before I go straight to the point, water is essential for plants to grow. There’s a Blue Economy courtesy of WATER!!!!!! For non-living things, water cleans, cools machines and is essential in manufacturing a variety of products. In construction, water is poured on concrete for some days to make it stronger.

With all that waters does for us and the many places where fluids are allowed to flow from our orifices and parts, why is it still a crime to have water mixed with protein and other stuff to flow from our eyes? Naongelelea emotional tears. Because when we yawn, we kinda cry. We cry when chocked too, maybe because tunachngulia kaburi. When the eyes need some cleaning, guess who does that? Yup, TEARS do that!!!!

Why is the same fluid that strengthens slabs weaken a man (of course I mean human and not the male gender alone)? Why is the fluid that gives life now a destroyer of souls when it flows from our visual organs? And tears aren’t discriminatory. No sir! Even the visually impaired cry. So why are we discriminating tears? Ps… Manipulative crying doesn’t count and isn’t tolerated.

Humans feel the urge to cry when in any form of pain, when frustrated, sad, angry, happy, or relieved. We cry or feel like crying since many of us are pros at holding back tears, when emotions overwhelm us.

Crying has become shameful. Do it alone, when no one’s watching. Cry like a lady and collect the tears at the corners of the eyes before they fall on your pretty face.ps, only use one finger to do the job. Cry only when you have to, and that’s never for that gender. You know which one. If they see your tears, they’ll disrespect you and do it less often so that they know you’re tough. Ha!

Sweat makes one look strong, peeing makes one natural. But tears? The make one weak and less of a human.
Can we accept more crying?

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