By Gladys Gachanja

She stood in front of the mirror, watching the tears flow freely down her gentle face,
They too seemed to mock her loneliness,
Running down like they didn’t want to leave the comfort of her eyes to the cold mighty
Eyes now fiery as the evening sun.
She couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed or smiled,
Everything seemed too dark and horrid,
It was one disaster after another,
How could she simply survive by herself?
She tried to think of happy moments but came out blank as the sea.
How could someone so young be filled with so many negative thoughts?
If only taking your life into your own hands were that simple.
She felt like her life was spiraling out of control in front of her own eyes.
With no job and a nonexistent social life, how was she supposed to be happy
Darkness was her greatest comfort, the moon her best confidant.
But on those dark nights where even the moon seemed scared to take in her sorrow,
She buried her face under the covers hoping not to face another day.

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