Disclaimer: The writer does not wish to underestimate the power of other factors and body organs in our lives. The writer is trying to give a glimpse of what goes on in our heads.
You look calm and composed but I am far from the truth. What I don’t now is in your head, three agricultural shows are happening concurrently. It is very busy up there such that the charge produced by the bee-like cells is enough to light up the sun for 5 years.
Our brains were designed to be active, running 24/7 even when we sleep. Apart from the normal bodily functions it is responsible for, the brain goes ahead to think up random and not so random thoughts, digs up memories, creates new ideas, analyse events and still manage to do more.
In your head you’re wondering if you will ever succeed. You are wondering if texting him was worth it. You are afraid that you will fail. You fear that you will not amount to anything. In there, fears and uncertainties about the future abound.
In your head, you wish you were dead, the life of those around you would be bearable (lies). In your head, nothing seems to work out and nothing you do will ever work.
In your head, you replay the day when you walked around with Sukuma wiki and njugu coating stuck between your teeth the whole afternoon. And you were smiling half the time! In your brain, you see yourself marring your crush.
Between your ears are billion dollar ideas. Detailed plans to overthrow the corrupt leaders. In your head, I’ll find clear plans of your 8 bedroom house, model of your German machine, smile of your husband and net worth of your business empire.
Your family is in your head with you, so are your friends and that guy from work who always has a snide comment. Inside your head, words and opinions come alive.
In your head, inside that skull, in your brain, life is happening. In your head, away from my eyes, your life unfolds.