By Josephat Msagha

I still remember how it started,
Walking on the pavement with elegance
Shaked off fear I approached you
Still remember you in your red dress
Glittering eye shades, strawberry scented gloss
Moon and stars shined so bright seemed happy for us.

Asked for your number
You attured each digit with pride
With confidence I winked
Your smile,chubby dimple and sparkle from your teeth quenched my soul
Into a new mystery love journey
You mine and I yours
We ventured.

Long and late night calls and chats fun they were
How soft you fingers felt when you touched
How our tongues touched sharing secrets of our lips
How tender and juicy your lips felt when we kissed
Midnight love making session cultivated our souls
How you loved me stroke while pulling back your hair
Everything seemed better than ever.

Like dusk to dawn
Sunrise to sunset
The calls and texts felt like I was forcing
As they say,you can’t force a fish to swim upstream
You drifted away through the thin air
My love felt like a sweetdream
My heart yearned for love
But one sided it was
Like a cart left with one tyre
My mystery love journey was cut short
With no clue,was left to wonder

Vented to friends about you with no help
Happy they were with the slang
“We knew you won’t last”.
I loved you in a way I couldn’t show
But like curtains fold
I lost you and I found myself
And if you ever find yourself smiling about me just know that I loved you more than you’ll ever know
If you call and I don’t reply
And you text and I just don’t answer
It don’t mean that I changed my mind
It just means that I don’t move backwards.

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