Look, you guys got up on the wrong foot,
and I’m sure she feels just as bad as you do,
Just give her sometime,
She’ll come around.

I know there’s no sunshine when she’s gone,
And all left is darkness everyday,
And this house,
It just doesn’t feel like a home anymore,
I understand all that man.

But you just can’t sit in here,
Feeding on a week’s worth everyday,
I know it’s so quiet without her,
But you can’t be damaging your ears with loud music all day,
Try and calm down,
She’ll come around.

I know my relationship is not so glossy as the magazines put it,
And it’s because I keep my cat inside the bag no matter what,
Not shouting it all to the world like you do,
Not hanging my dirty linen outside.

So stay put,
Women are emotional beings,
Wait until all of you are down,
Then you can fix your misunderstandings.

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