Listen to me son, I was working for the white man when you were still busy taking bath in the village stream,
I may have given you up, but I didn’t give up on you,
I made sure you went to school.

Sometimes along the way I lost my job,
And finding another proved difficult due to cultural preferences,
So I figured out what I had to do,
I did what a man had to do to survive.

I just need you to understand something,
We are leaving in a den of theives,
and it’s contagious,
They suffocate our cries,
And imprison our ideas,
That’s why I became a professional thief,
I stole my life up here.

I lost your mother to some regional leader,
At that time I couldn’t handle you either,
So I had to bring you home,
To be under the wings of mom.

I’m not apologising for doing the wrong things,
But for the lost time without you,
I might have a black tag on my head,
But I’m glad it was for the right purposes.

I don’t regret even a bit of it, I had to blend into the cold that is consuming everyone for us to live. It’s a tough world, always remember that.

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