By Josephat Msagha
She smiled as if she`d never shed a tear for him again
Behind her smile was a hurting heart
For him she`d move mountains
For him she`d go to the moon and back
For him she`d sacrifice her all
But a fool she was for believing he`d change
How she wished she didn’t love him so deep
Her love for him made her a fool
In the cold nights she cried alone
Yearning for a shoulder to lean on
In pieces her heart was shattered
Soaking up her pillow in tears
Not of being cheated on
But of yearning for freedom
Like a caged bird she was
Chirping along with his lies
Twigging along with his charms
Freed from her enchanter
She spread her wings so broad
Soaring high up into the sky to clear her vision
To heal her soul of its sorrows
Before preparing her nest for the next dweller
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