By Gladys Gachanja

The tree sways dangerously, the roots exposed and scared

The rain comes pouring hard, and the thunder threatens to break it into shreds

The water sweeps the soil covering the roots, unaware of the relationship they both share

Cruel and angry, but most of all scared

The roots dig deeper like they know, trying to hold on

I will not betray my siblings; the leaves, fruits and branches, like the soil betrayed me

I am the source of life for most, a mother, a father and , a home to some

I must persevere to save them, those helpless without me

When the rain stops and my lover nowhere to be seen

And I bare and raw, my rugged edges and curves, some thin and some huge; exposed for all to see

I hope you will of be ashamed of me

I hope you will protect me from their sharp tongues and swords

Just until my lover finds her way back to me, and I can feel her warm soft skin on my body

So gentle yet so strong, a beacon of love and loyalty

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