Being the first leaf must be pretty tough huh!?
Experiencing the first burn of sunshine,
The threatening sounds of thunder and rain,?
The scary push and pull of the wind,
But still being able to be soft and kind.?
Being amidst ladies is rather tough for you brother,
It forces you to sometimes act like a father,
Pampering and caring,
Too firm but somewise loving,
It gives you love that unconditionally binds us.
I have been reading all your stories to this day,?
I have been following your path of sunlight to date,?
I have been flying on your own wings,✈️
Because I trust and believe you.??
I believe you can fight twenty three,?
I know know initially it may have been only a big tree,?
With hunts, branches and fruits to catch,?
And you softly made your way from scratch,?
To the canopy.
Today you open new gates,
It’s gonna be tough and rough,
But do not be fearful,
Neither in the lord should you be doubtful,
But keeping walking.
I’ve ? how far you’ve come,
I’ve seen the calm after the storms,
Don’t let your wins go down the drain,
Or rather,?
your good names, go up in flames.?
I’ve learnt about growth from you,
I’m willing to go forth with you,
If you only stay strong for me,
Strong for all of us,
Us Who’ll ever use this route to the end.
Make it beautiful.?
Memories and moments pass,
But they are stamped on the walls of our hearts,?
You are my everything brian,
My warm spot of comfort,?
And my headlights in darkness.
Don’t drop your helm yet.?
So, as you celebrate your new achievement,
As you enjoy your new year and class,
As you walk into new lands and spaces,
Remember what heart you bear,
Let the lion Inside you lead you.
Happy birthday Brian,
Keep glowing in your wonderful self,
Happy new year to you,
Keep fighting your dreadful moments,
Because that is who you are,
You are destined for the best ahead of time.
Have a blissful day.
I love you.???
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