Double Heartbreak

Losing my dad was the most painful thing l have ever experienced.April 2020 that’s the time he went away.Tulikuwa tumeanza kuwa close and to experience the love of a dad that’s the time he had to go.Anyway l can’t feel sad because it was God’s plan but on other hand it affected me,it broke my heart why did l have to know my family when my dad dies.After burial that’s when l knew l had other family my grandma,uncles, cousins, siblings but why now that he is no more it really hurts right…?Before he passed l talked to him on phone call which was on Friday and he promised to come the next Friday to see me but unfortunately he was involved in a road accident on Monday and he died on spot,my mummy knew but she didn’t want to tell me but she had no other option but to do so.On Tuesday that’s when l got the message the Friday my dad promised to meet me yeah l can say yes we did meet but it was the last time l saw him but we didn’t talk since it was the same Friday that his burial was taking place.That thing hurts me till to today and it was hurt for me to let go and accept the fact that he is no more.Have been seeing his face until the time that I niliombewa.
Here comes the most painful one.After losing my dad l thought l had my man by my side to help me overcome this but I was wrong, that’s the time he decided to go away from me.l received rejections from him,he avoided me every time he pushed me away.He made me feel unwanted he broke my heart since he decided to give other girls attention more than her real lady.A girl called Mercy took advantage of that and start been close to him and calling him sweet names, posting him accompanied by love captions.All the love and attention l use to get from him is no more now am worthless infront of his eyes.Girls talk behind my back only because of him damping me it was really hard for me to overcome thing double pains at once and in the same month.Negative thoughts came into my mind but a good friend of mine helped me come out from this his words are still fresh in my mind”Cindy never allow someone to take your happiness away”this words always makes me move on.He asked me a question”umepanda miti mbili ya matunda lakini mti moja ndilo linalotoa mazao mti mwingine hautoi so what will be the impression of people on these two trees”To be honest I didn’t knew the answer but he told me

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