The sun is on its way out yet the evening’s bright,
Everyone seems happy, that’s the mood today,
For some reason there are more smiles today,
Only a few are forced but still it’s a happy eve.
From a distance there’s speakers blasting,
Good music though I must admit,
And as always there’s a crowd forming,
Evidence that music is food to the soul, or is it here?
It’s loud, too loud, just like the sound of smiles here,
Everyone’s busy, the crowd is cheering,
Children, teens and adults are all here,
And like an unveiling some dance the evening away,
The rest are glued to their phones,
As if it’s a competition of who gets the best captions,
While some are too busy on their apps,
Only raising their heads when the crowd cheers louder.
My curiosity got me to the front line,
Sweaty armpits grace disgustingly grace my face,
But a human’s gotta admit, this is fun.
There’s a bunch of entertainers doing their thing,
But at least with them holding their mics,
There is life here, the evening is happy.
Then I spot her, the woman of the moment,
Or should I say the beautiful soul of the hour?
She looks almost happy dancing the evening away,
I’d say she’s actually happy if I were in the crowd,
Which I am but still stay objective.
She’s a professional in what she does,
She got the crazy dance moves, maybe too crazy,
Without a care in the world she does it,
The one thing she’s paid to do well,
Or maybe it’s more than just a paycheck at dusk.
I have to admit she’s good, very good,
Everyone can see that, but does she like it?
Because when the music stops, just for a moment,
Her face conforms into a mix of emotions,
And sadly the happy carefree girl is gone in that moment,
Maybe I read her wrong, but her lips twitch,
And that’s how I know I’m not wrong,
There’s more to her than what we see today.
For the little moment that her mask falls,
For that millisecond that her face is true,
I’m tempted to ask her how she’s feeling,
To know how she came to this point,
I have no qualms against whatever it is she does,
But I’m tempted to know whether she ever breathes,
But I know I’ll never get the chance to do that,
Because in a second there’s music blasting again.
And she dances away,
Smiles to the unnoticing,
The ones too fixated on their phones,
The ones too focused on her body shakes,
The ones who fake smiles but scream their lives away,
Because she knows that it is these people,
Who will determine whether or not she gets paid,
When the night finally takes over,
After the Royal Fest.