The African Child

I wonder if I should cry
Lament or be happy
Blame them or forget and appreciate
The day of an African child

Africa Africa Africa
The African child…an abandoned soul
Yes its abandoned, what else can I say
This child is living in hell
A hell with no fire but tears
A hell with no sins but torture
A hell with no sinners but innocent souls
A hell with no regrets but lost dreams
I cry for this soul
Who will see my tears
Who will understand my inner pain
Who will give me a hand to stand for this soul
No one!

The day of an African child
They will gather to celebrate it
But do they really represent this child
Do they?
I won’t judge but see
They will come together
Air the rights of this child
Curse those who break their rights
Even sometimes take them to jail
But we forget. ….
That young innocent soul suffering in “hell’
That child we forget has got dreams to fulfill
Yes we have jailed this hooligan
But that soul affected is left without help
Then I ask myself are we celebrating or representing this soul
I think now you got it when I say ‘this soul is left in ‘hell’

Still wondering…
Has the day of the African child lost its meaning
We talk of gender… Then
We think one gender is ‘superior’
Forgetting all are just young souls
Young souls that need help
Souls that need to be catered for
But then….
One soul is neglected
And this soul left to suffer
Yes suffer… Suffer in hell
Then they will say…..
We want gender equality
Oops! What a statement

Its this statement
That has neglected one soul
That has left a soul in hell
That has made a soul left stigmatised
That has taken away a soul… An innocent soul
That should have been avoided
So painful!

Gender equality….
Am not cursing this statement
It was for good intentions
But I guess its being misused
Or maybe misunderstood
Too bad…..
One soul is powered on
To fulfill its dreams
One is left to fight
Then I ask myself
Ain’t this soul abandoned?

Its paining me
But how can I intervene
If those in power are in support
Supporting the statement
A statement I guess they misunderstood….

But I know
One day all will be well
One day fairness will be the language
One day this soul will rock again
I know this child won’t be violeted again
Time is coming for the African child
For the girl child
Time is coming for the
Boy Child
Sorry boy child
Your time is coming
You will rock again!


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