It was one of those days again; Nothing felt right, In that dark room, Everything felt throttling, Pain fed on her essence, Till she fell
You embraced me first under the night sky, Enlightened me, On how to read the stars. At last, I trusted in love; Perhaps I’d always
It’s been ages, Since we parted ways, I wondered how you’ve been holding up, For your scent has been enveloping me , Even after you
It was just a dream; I descried that beam I fell for, Discerned the apertures of his soul, And I saw him. It was just
Glancing at her, I wondered, Did she ever feel tired, From the relentless toils ; To make sure that I’m sated? Whilst cocooned in her
Can I love, The tenderness in his orbs, The orbs that suck me in, Can I go overboard; To the extent of being marked by
Quietly,I watch him;call it scrutiny, Full of vigor yet worn out by life, Fallen,yet on his feet, struggles up, Future seems bleak, Yet no hope
I didn’t fall for him first. Nay, I learned to confide in him first. To share my whole with him. I felt secure with him.
She moved closer and hooked her arms around his neck. A sigh of contentment escaped her lips; A silent admission that he was enough for
Having to watch your handsome face, As you go about your business, Is enough to light a fire of yearning, In my beating heart. Of