I glanced at the man sitting beside me.For a second,I got lost in the starry skies.I could see the bright future he had painted for
Her orbs were always bloodshot.In their depths hid suffering.In then flickered despair that even destiny couldn’t do away with.There was a dimness in them.One that
Make me erase The bitter sweet love One that left me chained One that left me desolate and vanishing Make me erase the pain When
I once asked myself a question; ‘why is it so hard to love someone anew?’ I got the answer in the serenity of the night,where my sanity had returned after disappearing for quite some time.The answer stated that it’s ’cause it feels like rubbing salt on fresh wounds, realization dawned upon me on how much it hurts to love the wrong person unknowingly,the sense of betrayal felt when their masks finally slip off revealing their real facades is too heart wrenching.