I once had a love, an intoxicating and special love.
One that appreciated both genuine and wry smiles,
A love that saw through the many masks that I wore,
One that gave me reason to arise happily every day.
He that reminded me I had a heart with purposes.
A love that had my knees weak, and my brain disoriented.
One that had redefined every morning of the week for me.
A love that only he could give me the proper dosage.
Only he could mess me up and mend me at the same time.
I miss him, who loved me wholly, who treated me like his prince,
Who had eyes just for me, who wasn’t ashamed of being mine.
Him, whose kiss left me speechless, whose touch had my whole being excited,
Whose perfectly sculptured abs were mine to touch, as mine were his.
Who made women absolutely jealous of me, who took good care of me.
I miss the feeling of his lips on mine, his moans and groans.
His perfect hands on my torso, his body on mine.
I miss how he looked at me during our first encounter,
How he was with me when I came out,
How my name delicately rolled off his tongue.
I miss the feeling of his lips on my forehead,
The hormonal rage that his tenderness stirred,
The sparks that erupted with his single touch.
The butterflies, goosebumps and the love that oozed from him.
1685 days. That’s how long Reed had been in a coma.
How long I’d been crying, waiting, praying and hoping.
The days my love had been away from me.
A day like today, I visited him.
Twas just another day of hope and prayers,
So I talked to him like I always have, and he moved.
Hope became happiness and sadly turned to heartbreak.
I watched the monitor flatline. He left me.
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