I love red, the kind that drips from me, When my prison walls are too high, and an escape is an illusion, so I break
She said she’d stay, and I believed her, Not because I trusted her, Not because I loved her too much, Not because I wanted a
I know I promised, no more bruises, no more cuts, But I’m broken, just not the beautiful broken. I’m the pieces that we throw away,
I’m a girl too, I know how it feels, When you don’t have a say in anything, When your choice is taken from you, Just
What if I became who you wanted me to be. What if I was the man of your dreams, Or the guy your mama wanted
I’d say bless the universe, but fuck it, For bringing her here, next to me, For making her so close yet so far, For making
♏”Don’t cry, emotions make you weak, vulnerable is pathetic, this is not a place for the weak, if you can’t toughen up you might as
♏Some traumas make your life shitty, some give you reasons to give up, but all of them leave you depressed, and with an overbearing sense
Hi, my name is Amy, You got my note, welcome to hell, And if you reading this then, I tried taking my life, again, And